20 de Maio, Dia Mundial da Metrologia!

Hoje é o Dia Mundial da Metrologia!

E por coincidência inicia-se hoje mais uma formação on-line subordinada ao tema " A Conformidade Metrológica de Equipamentos / Sistemas de Medição" num total de 6 horas, monitorizado por Alexandra Peixoto da Unidade da Qualidade e Inovação, que não deixará de comemorar a data com os participantes!


"World Metrology Day is an annual celebration of the signature of the Metre Convention on 20 May 1875 by representatives of seventeen nations. The Convention set the framework for global collaboration in the science of measurement and in its industrial, commercial and societal applications. The original aim of the Metre Convention - the world-wide uniformity of measurement - remains as important today as it was in 1875."

E não se esqueça... os laboratórios de metrologia do CATIM estão à sua disposição...

OUR Mission

CATIM, Portuguese Technological center for the metal working industry is a non-profit private institution of public utility, that resulted from the association of interests, industries, and associations with public companies.

It was established under the Decree-Law No. 249/86 of 25th August, with the changes that were introduced by Decree 312/95 of 29th November and registered as a Public Utility Institution, as published in the Official Gazette No. 15, II series of 87/01/19, at the Commercial Registry of Oporto, Registration No. 2, under the tax number 501 630 473.


Its mission is to contribute to innovation and competitiveness of national metal industries and similar or complementary sectors.



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Technological Center for the Metal Working Industry


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