Projeto SmartLSF na tech@week promovida pela ANI | Agência Nacional de Inovação!

Projeto SmartLSF na tech@week promovida pela ANI | Agência Nacional de Inovação!

O Stand do projeto SmartLSF recebeu na mostra tech@week, promovida pela ANI | Agência Nacional de Inovação, a visita da Ministra da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior Elvira Fortunato.

Projeto cofinanciado pelo Compete 2020 através do FEDER, em co-promoção entre a empresa Sucorema e as entidades CATIM , Universidade de Aveiro, Itecons e CeNTI - Centre for Nanotechnology and Smart Materials.


Um projeto de I&DI que se aproxima do fim, tendo sido desenvolvido um inovador perfil de LSF!

OUR Mission

CATIM, Portuguese Technological center for the metal working industry is a non-profit private institution of public utility, that resulted from the association of interests, industries, and associations with public companies.

It was established under the Decree-Law No. 249/86 of 25th August, with the changes that were introduced by Decree 312/95 of 29th November and registered as a Public Utility Institution, as published in the Official Gazette No. 15, II series of 87/01/19, at the Commercial Registry of Oporto, Registration No. 2, under the tax number 501 630 473.


Its mission is to contribute to innovation and competitiveness of national metal industries and similar or complementary sectors.



Services at Catim

Technological Center for the Metal Working Industry


Newsletter Catim

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